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IIDF 2024
On December 8-12 the 3rd International Forum of Infectious Diseases took place in Moscow, bringing together 838 people in-person and more than 2,500 joining online. The Forum agenda included plenary and breakout sessions, symposia, round tables, educational lectures. The meeting of the specialized board on infectious disease affiliated with the morphological also took place.
On a formal opening the forum participants were welcomed by the deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Andrey Nikolayevich Plutnitsky, Director, Department for organization of urgent medical care and health risk management of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Inna Borisovna Kulikova, Prorector, innovations and clinical affairs, head of internal medicine department №1, Sechenov University, Prof. Viktor Viktorovich Fomin, and prorector, scientific affairs, Sechenov University, prof. Tatyana Alexandrovna Demura

Materials summarizing up-to-date healthcare achievements in the area of the infectious diseases were made at the 3rd International Forum of Infectious Diseases

The event was opened by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Andrey Nikolayevich Plutnitsky. Andrey Nikolayevich summarized about the top priorities in the area of infectious diseases: he highlighted the outbreaks of infections that occurred in 2024, showed the impact of infectious diseases on life expectancy and noted that the federal project to address viral hepatitis C became part of the new national project “Long Active Life”.

The meeting was then continued by Vladimir Petrovich Chulanov, Professor of the infectious disease department, Sechenov university. His report was dedicated to the development of the infectious disease service since the earliest concepts about the need to introduce special rules to handle the outbreaks of infectious diseases - the introduction of quarantines, the emergence of plague doctors. The development of epidemiology and sanitation, science and vaccine development, antibacterial drug development, international cooperation in epidemic and pandemic preparedness - these are the necessary ingredients that will enable the health system to address newly emerging threats.

Igor Olegovich Stoma, the Rector of Gomel State Medical University, presented the “Unified Health” concept, aimed at addressing antibiotic resistance, preventing the spread of zoonotic infections and the need to ensure food safety. In his presentation Igor Olegovich showed how the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants and the broader environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent, and the consistent steps that are included in the Unified Health concept will help ensure the protection of the population in future.

The first plenary session was closed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Lioznov, Director, Influenza Institute. His report was focused on the evolution of respiratory infections. Dmitry Anatolyevich noted that seasonal rises in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections are inevitable, influenza type A viruses are actively circulating in the natural reservoir and the risk of pandemic persists. He emphasized that vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza and its complications.
В своих выступлениях ученые из разных стран сумели осветить широкий спектр заболеваний. Так, доклад Елизабеты Ристанович (Сербия) был посвящен вирусу Марбург, Нарины Саргсянц (Армения) — внутрибольничным кишечным инфекциям, Аджит Сингх Бхадория (Индия) рассказал про борьбу с лепрой, а Игорь Карпов (Беларусь) про диагностические подходы у пациентов с лихорадкой неясной этиологии.

Академик РАН Виктор Васильевич Малеев прочел лекцию на тему проблемы ликвидации инфекций, а главный внештатный специалист по инфекционным болезням у детей Юрий Владимирович Лобзин поделился достижениями в области разработки клинических рекомендаций по инфекционным нозологиям у детей. Главный внештатный специалист по микробиологии Минздрава России Татьяна Валерьевна Припутневич рассказала о перспективах развития медицинской микробиологии в Российской Федерации, а главный внештатный специалист эпидемиолог Минздрава России Роман Владимирович Полибин поделился достижениями вакцинопрофилактики в России.

Профессор кафедры инфекционных болезней Сеченовского Университета Валерий Анатольевич Малов прочел лекцию о том, как инфекционные болезни меняли мир, Фелипе Навека (Бразилия) рассказал о вспышке лихорадки Оропуш, Зуридин Шарипович Нурматов (Киргизия) поделился данными о популяционной иммунитете к вакциноуправляемым инфекциям среди населения Киргизии, а Сезар Кабесас (Перу) рассказал об особенностях борьбы с гепатитом Дельта.
В заключении первого дня прозвучала лекция о текущем прогрессе и перспективах в области генной терапии при помощи вирусов, которую прочитал директор Института медицинской паразитологии, тропических и трансмиссивных заболеваний имени Е. И. Марциновского Александр Николаевич Лукашев.
Professor, general and family medicine department, India Institute of Medical Sciences at Rishikesh (Rishikesh, India)
Rector, Rector of Gomel State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Gomek, Belarus)
Head of laboratory for hepatitis and new emerging infections, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Deputy Director, clinical expert affairs, Professor of anatomy department, India Institute of Medical Sciences (Rishikesh, India)
Professor of infectious diseases department, Belarussian State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
Head of the infectious diseases department, chief external specialist on infectious diseases, Republic of Belarus, Professor, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
Experts from 14 countries spoke at the Forum: Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Senegal, Serbia, USA, Peru and Tajikistan
Professor of pediatrics, Ain Shams University, member of the national Committee on viral hepatitis control (Cairo, Egypt)
Managing Director, Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (Lafayette, USA)
Narina Konstantinovna Sargsyants
Consultant to the Ministry of Health of Armenia, infectious diseases, head of the infectious diseases department of the National healthcare institute of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, PhD in medicine (Yerevan, Armenia)
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London (London, UK)
Philippa Easterbrook
head of the infectious diseases department, Abu Ali Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
Infection caused by Clostridioides difficile: new aspects, research associate, patient of arboviral infections and hemorrhagic fevers, Pasteur Institute in Dakar (Dakar, Senegal)
Lead research associate, Deputy Director, research and innovations, Leonidas and Maria Dean Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Brazil (Amazonia, Brazil)
Head of the department of microbial genetics and immunology, Military Medical Academy, and full Professor of the Defense University, Ministry of defense of the Republic of Serbia, Professor, doctor of medical science (Belgrade, Serbia)
Head of Republican Science and Practical Center for viral infections control affiliated with the National Institute of Public Health under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, doctor of medical science (Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
San Marcos National University (Lima, Peru)
Philippa Easterbrook
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London (London, UK)
Managing Director, Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (Lafayette, USA)
Professor of pediatrics, Ain Shams University, member of the national Committee on viral hepatitis control (Cairo, Egypt)
Head of laboratory for hepatitis and new emerging infections, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Rector, Rector of Gomel State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Gomek, Belarus)
Professor of infectious diseases department, Belarussian State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
Head of the infectious diseases department, Abu Ali Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
Consultant to the Ministry of Health of Armenia, infectious diseases, head of the infectious diseases department of the National healthcare institute of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, PhD in medicine (Yerevan, Armenia)
Narina Konstantinovna Sargsyants
Lead research associate, Deputy Director, research and innovations, Leonidas and Maria Dean Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Brazil (Amazonia, Brazil)
Deputy Director, clinical expert affairs, Professor of anatomy department, India Institute of Medical Sciences (Rishikesh, India)
Professor, general and family medicine department, India Institute of Medical Sciences at Rishikesh (Rishikesh, India) Professor, general and family medicine department, India Institute of Medical Sciences at Rishikesh (Rishikesh, India)
Infection caused by Clostridioides difficile: new aspects, research associate, patient of arboviral infections and hemorrhagic fevers, Pasteur Institute in Dakar (Dakar, Senegal)
Head of the department of microbial genetics and immunology, Military Medical Academy, and full Professor of the Defense University, Ministry of defense of the Republic of Serbia, Professor, doctor of medical science (Belgrade, Serbia)
Head of Republican Science and Practical Center for viral infections control affiliated with the National Institute of Public Health under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, doctor of medical science (Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
Head of the infectious diseases department, chief external specialist on infectious diseases, Republic of Belarus, Professor, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
San Marcos National University (Lima, Peru)
Experts from 14 countries spoke at the Forum: Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Senegal, Serbia, USA, Peru and Tajikistan
Philippa Easterbrook
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London (London, UK)
Managing Director, Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (Lafayette, USA)
Professor of pediatrics, Ain Shams University, member of the national Committee on viral hepatitis control (Cairo, Egypt)
Head of laboratory for hepatitis and new emerging infections, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Rector, Rector of Gomel State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Gomek, Belarus)
Professor of infectious diseases department, Belarussian State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
Head of the infectious diseases department, Abu Ali Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
Consultant to the Ministry of Health of Armenia, infectious diseases, head of the infectious diseases department of the National healthcare institute of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, PhD in medicine (Yerevan, Armenia)
Narina Konstantinovna Sargsyants
Lead research associate, Deputy Director, research and innovations, Leonidas and Maria Dean Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Brazil (Amazonia, Brazil)
Deputy Director, clinical expert affairs, Professor of anatomy department, India Institute of Medical Sciences (Rishikesh, India)
Professor, general and family medicine department, India Institute of Medical Sciences at Rishikesh (Rishikesh, India)
Infection caused by Clostridioides difficile: new aspects, research associate, patient of arboviral infections and hemorrhagic fevers, Pasteur Institute in Dakar (Dakar, Senegal)
Head of the department of microbial genetics and immunology, Military Medical Academy, and full Professor of the Defense University, Ministry of defense of the Republic of Serbia, Professor, doctor of medical science (Belgrade, Serbia)
Head of Republican Science and Practical Center for viral infections control affiliated with the National Institute of Public Health under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, doctor of medical science (Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
Head of the infectious diseases department, chief external specialist on infectious diseases, Republic of Belarus, Professor, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
San Marcos National University (Lima, Peru)
Experts from 14 countries spoke at the Forum: Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Senegal, Serbia, USA, Peru and Tajikistan
Philippa Easterbrook
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London (London, UK)
Managing Director, Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (Lafayette, USA)
Professor of pediatrics, Ain Shams University, member of the national Committee on viral hepatitis control (Cairo, Egypt)
Head of laboratory for hepatitis and new emerging infections, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Rector, Rector of Gomel State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Gomel, Belarus)
Professor of infectious diseases department, Belarussian State Medical University, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
Head of the infectious diseases department, Abu Ali Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
consultant to the Ministry of Health of Armenia, infectious diseases, head of the infectious diseases department of the National healthcare institute of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, PhD in medicine (Yerevan, Armenia)
Narina Konstantinovna Sargsyants
Lead research associate, Deputy Director, research and innovations, Leonidas and Maria Dean Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Brazil (Amazonia, Brazil)
Deputy Director, clinical expert affairs, Professor of anatomy department, India Institute of Medical Sciences (Rishikesh, India)
Professor, general and family medicine department, India Institute of Medical Sciences at Rishikesh (Rishikesh, India)
Infection caused by Clostridioides difficile: new aspects, research associate, patient of arboviral infections and hemorrhagic fevers, Pasteur Institute in Dakar (Dakar, Senegal)
Head of the department of microbial genetics and immunology, Military Medical Academy, and full Professor of the Defense University, Ministry of defense of the Republic of Serbia, Professor, doctor of medical science (Belgrade, Serbia)
Head of Republican Science and Practical Center for viral infections control affiliated with the National Institute of Public Health under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, doctor of medical science (Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
Head of the infectious diseases department, chief external specialist on infectious diseases, Republic of Belarus, Professor, doctor of medical science (Minsk, Belarus)
San Marcos National University (Lima, Peru)
Experts from 14 countries spoke at the Forum: Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Senegal, Serbia, USA, Peru and Tajikistan
Beat Leprosy. Eradicate Stigma and Promote Dignity
Preventive Hepatology: National Viral Hepatitis Control Program in India
Гепатит дельта в Перу: взгляд на проблему и пути ее преодоления
Болезнь Карриона: разные лица одного бартонеллеза
The Forum included events aimed at supporting young specialists: the 3rd Student Contest on Infectious Diseases, Scientific Metrics and Statistics, and a poster competition
At the end of the in-person part of the Forum on December 11, a Round Table “Development of Immunoprophylaxis in Russia as a National Priority in the Context of Global Challenges” was held, moderated by Vladimir Chulanov, Chief External Specialist in Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and Roman Polibin, Chief External Specialist in Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Representatives of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ministry of Industry and Trade, All-Russian Patients' Union, business and public representatives were invited to the discussion:
Andrey Nikolayevich Plutnitsky – deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation;
Ayrat Zakievich Farrakhov - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
Dmitry Sergeyevich Galkin - Director of the Department for Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
Leyla Seymurovna Namazova-Baranova – chief external pediatric specialist for preventive medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health, President of the Russian Union of Pediatricians, head of the pediatrics department, Institute of Mother and Child, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Pirogov University);
Igor Gennadyevich Nikitin – head of the Virology area “National Immunobiological Company” joint stock company (Nacimbio);
Saniyam Sadykhzhanovna Koval – Member of the State Council Commission for the Family, member of the Commission of the General Council of the United Russia Party for the Protection of Motherhood, Childhood and Family Support, public figure, President of the Gift of Sunshine Charitable Foundation, co-founder of the Women for a Healthy Society public movement;
Oleg Mikhaylovich Almendeyev – project director, All-Russian Patients’ Union
Closing the face-to-face part of the Forum, Vladimir Chulanov emphasized: although pandemics claimed millions of lives, they changed the world, eventually leading up to the significant discoveries that we use today
The Forum was closed on December 12 with the educational module “Genotherapy of Infectious Diseases” (link), conducted by the staff of the Laboratory of Genetic Technologies and Medicines of Sechenov University led by Dmitry Sergeyevich Kostyushev, PhD in biology
the 3rd Student Contest on Infectious Diseases, Scientific Metrics and Statistics, was organized in collaboration with the Scientific Career Center, Sechenov University

30 teams from 19 cities took part in the qualifying stage. 12 teams made it to the finals and took part in the in-person stage:
· Triazavirin (Urals State Medical University, Yekaterinburg)
· Ulcus molle (St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg)
· Chelyabinsk posy (South Urals State Medical University, Chelyabinsk)
· Anti-vaxxers (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow)
· SibMED (Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk)
· Pretty parasympathetic (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
· Connecting the amygdala (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
· Treat avoiding harm (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
· Vaxxers (Chita State Medical Academy, Chita)
· AntiGenes (Gomel State Medical University, Gomel)
· KOMANDA (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
· Syphilids (Ivanovo State Medical University, Ivanovo)
The contest consisted of 4 competitions:
Scientific battles – the discussion took place in the format “Presenter. Opponent. Reviewer». The participants were offered 5 tasks: clinical cases, calculation tasks on statistics, situations from scientific practice, cases on medical communication.
What? Where? When? and Solo Game - questions on infectious diseases, Scientific Metrics and Statistics in the format of popular TV shows.
Crocodile - participants were presented with 20 terms from the field of infectious diseases, which the captain has to explain to the team using just gestures
The intense competition yielded the following winners of the Contest:
I place Ulcus molle (St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg)
II place Connecting the amygdala (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
II place Pretty parasympathetic (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
III place KOMANDA (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University, Moscow)
III place Anti-vaxxers (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow)
III place Chelyabinsk posy (South Urals State Medical University, Chelyabinsk)
III place Triazavirin (Urals State Medical University, Yekaterinburg)
Contest of poster presentations
The judging panel consisted of the leading experts from the infectious diseases department, F.F. Erisman Public Health Institute: Prof. Olga Belaya and Valery Malov, associate professors Andrey Gorobchenko, Viktoria Poleuktova and Sergey Gerasimov
According to the results of the performed review, the following winners were selected:
Session of presentations by young researchers:
I place Viktoria Igorevna Mayseenko, assistant lecturer, phthysiopulmonology department, Gomel State Medical University
II place Kristina Vladimirovna Levchenko, assistant lecturer, phthysiopulmonology department, Gomel State Medical University
III place Sonia Olegovna Vysochanskaya, junior research associate, G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Customer Protection Agency
Session of student presentations:
I place Alena Anatolyevna Demina, 5th year student, Daria Alexeyevna Kutsakina, Nadezhda Andreyevna Nikolayeva, research fellows, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Research mentor: Olga Olegovna Voronkova
II place Yulia Maximovna Nepokrytova, Yegor Dmitrievich Nakonechnikov, residents of the pediatrics department, Chita State Medical Academy
Research mentors: Natalia Anatolyevna Miromanova, Sergey Anatolyevich Lukyanov, Alexey Olegovich Mizyun
III place Daria Sergeyevna Ovchinikova, 4th year student I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Research mentor: Anna Alexandrova Kudryavtseva
III place Yegor Vladimirovich Astashkevich, Karolina Maratovna Khudarova, 6th year students, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Research mentor: Lyubov Yevgenyevna Larina
We congratulate the winners and wish them success in their new endeavors!

Looking forward to meeting you on the 2025 Forum.