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IIDF 2023
According to tradition, at the end of the year, infectious diseases specialists from all over Russia and experts from various countries met in Moscow on December 10–13 at the Congress Center of Sechenov University, for the 2nd International Infectious Diseases Forum, to share their knowledge, experience and research in this field.

2nd IIDF was devoted not only to present-day topics in the field of infectious diseases, but also to celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Sechenov University!
International Section
Chief infectious diseases experts from different countries took part in the Plenary session, Viral Hepatitis Elimination session, Case Report session and Travel Medicine School
Watch the Lectures:
Associate Professor (Community and Family Medicine); Department of Clinical Research, Institute for the Study of Liver and Hepatobiliary system, All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) (New Delhi, India)
Professor, Department of Medicine of the Government Institute Of Medical Sciences (Greater Noida, India)
Senior Researcher, World Health Organization Headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland)
Chief Infectious Diseases Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Belarus;
Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Belarusian State Medical University (Minsk, Belarus)
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine and Physiopathology of the Digestive Tract of the University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Director of the Research Institute of Virology of the Republic's Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Epidemiology, Microbiology, Infectious, and Parasitic diseases, Chief Infectious Diseases Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Head of the Republic's Scientific and Practical Center for the Control of Viral Infections of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Avicenna Tajik State
Medical University, Chief Infectious Disease Specialist, of the Ministry of Health and Social
Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
Ministry of Health Advisor in the
field of Infectious Diseases, Head of Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia)
Professor, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Associated Professor, Specialist of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Director of Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Disease, University Clinical Center of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia)
Rector, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Gomel State Medical University, (Gomel, Belarus)
Professor of Medicine, Consultant Gastroenterologist; Director of the Clinical Trials Unit, Aga Khan University, (Karachi, Pakistan)
Associate Professor of Infectious
Diseases and Hepatogastroenterology, National Hepatology & Tropical Medicine Research Institute (NHTMRI)
Minister's Assistant for Projects and Public Health Initiatives;
Executive director, the National Committee for Control of Viral Hepatitis (NCCVH) (Cairo, Egypt)
National Center for HIV/AIDSPrevention and Control, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Beijing,China)
19:03Sargsyants N.K. - 'Leishmaniasis: forgotten, but not defeated'
1:35:50Karpov I.A. - 'Meningococcal infection: ongoing relevance'
58:30Stoma I.O. - 'Microbiota as a means of therapy: the path from transplantation to new generation microbial cocktails'
43:02 Goran Stevanovic - 'A critical look at the use of antiviral drugs for COVID-19. Serbian experience'
1:15:58Musabaev Erkin – 'National program for the elimination of viral hepatitis in the Republic of Uzbekistan'
1:00:13Jian Li – 'Achievements and prospects for the elimination of viral hepatitis in China'
42:40Saeed Hamid – 'Achievements and prospects for eliminating viral hepatitis in Pakistan'
27:27Mohamed Hassani – 'Overview of elimination of viral hepatitis in Egypt'
2:40Philippa Easterbrook – 'Global elimination of viral hepatitis B and C - progress to date, WHO policies, guidance and priorities'
59:54Professor Dr Shamala Devi Sekaran – 'Dengue: The many unanswered questions'
4:21Rachmanov Erkin Rahimovich – "Malaria is a health problem"
18:18Dr Ajeet Singh Bhadoria – 'Typhoid fever: control and challenges'
1:35:40Dr Payal Jain – 'Chikungunya: A re-emerging arboviral menace'
29:10Giovanni Marasco, MD, PhD – 'FibroScan as an indispensable tool for diagnosing Chronic Liver Diseases in clinical practice
36:29 Nurmatov Zuridin Sharipovich - “Epidemiological features of COVID-19 and assessment of population immunity among the population of Kyrgyzstan”
The International Section has provided a platform for exchanging knowledge and experience that have contributed to strengthening international links in the field of healthcare. International cooperation is an important factor in ensuring global security and combating infectious diseases throughout the world.

Professionals shared the results of research in various areas in the field of infectious diseases, and discussed methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of epidemiological diseases.
Program of the Forum
During the 4 days of the Forum, 3 satellite symposiums and 17 sessions were held, featuring more than 120 interesting presentations. The event was attended by 2,611 participants from more than 70 regions of Russia; 788 attended in person, while 1,823 participants followed the Forum online.
Grand Opening of the Forum

On behalf of the M.A. Murashko, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Andrey Plutnicki, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, addressed the Forum participants with a welcoming and congratulatory statement. He noted that biosafety is an urgent task that cannot be accomplished without integration of the entire international community and the effective interaction between scientific and medical organizations. Making the healthcare system sustainable to infectious challenges is a priority. At the end of his speech, Andrey Plutnicki congratulated the Department on its 100th anniversary, stressing that it is one of the most important in the country and serves to forge personnel for the field of infectious disease. Graduates of the Department work not only in Russia, but also abroad, which testifies to the high level of the Department’s scientific education and the teaching staff.

Professor Viktor Fomin, Vice-Rector for Innovation and Clinical Activity, Head of the Department of Faculty of Therapy of Sechenov University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted that the need for infectious disease specialists will only grow. It is important to continue to develop educational programs and attract talented young professionals because infectious diseases remain a global challenge that threatens the security of Russia and the world as a whole. Prof. Fomin added that the Department of Infectious Diseases is always at the forefront of training and wished it to thrive with prosperity and new achievements.

Professor Beatrice Volel, Director of the Institute of Clinical Medicine of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, congratulated the Department on its 100th anniversary, noting its dynamic and youthful spirit. She emphasized the great contribution of the department to education, including training of foreign students. She noted the dedication, investment, seriousness, and involvement required to specialize in infection diseases. Prof. Volel described the Department of Infectious Diseases as an "impregnable fortress" in education, continuing to successfully resist challenges and changes and maintain its position. She wished the Department further development and prosperity.

Nikolay Briko, Director of the Public Health Institute F.F. Erisman, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence Medicine of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, gave a speech mentioning the achievements of the Department over its 100 years of work, including training personnel and developing methods of treatment and diagnosis. He also shared his memories of his student years and noted that this time was filled with learning and experience that he received while studying at the Department.

Yuriy Lobzin, President of Children’s Scientific and Clinical Center of Infectious Diseases of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Chief Childhood Infectious Diseases Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, congratulated the Department on its anniversary. He said a few words about the outstanding members of the department, and shared his memories about friendship and collaboration with Sergei Pak, a brilliant clinical researcher and scientist whose work on pathogenetic therapy is still current and studied at the department. He also had kind remarks to Elena Volchkova, an outstanding doctor, brilliant teacher, scientist, and a wonderful person. Her contribution to the development of the Department and medical science is invaluable.
Plenary Session
"Department of Infectious Diseases of Sechenov University: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"

The meeting was opened by the head of the Department, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Elena Volchkova. She recapped the history of the department since its founding, including its achievements in scientific, educational, and social activities and famous graduates who still work in different parts of Russia and abroad.

Valeriy Malov, Doctor of Medical Sciences and a professor in the Department, continued the meeting. His report was devoted to memories of Sergei Pak, the Head of the Department from 1975 to 2011. Dr. Pak’s multifaceted talents as an organizer, scientist, doctor, and teacher were particularly evident in his position as Department Head. Under his leadership, 11 doctoral and 42 candidate dissertations were performed, and he authored more than 300 scientific published works, including 6 monographs and 3 textbooks on infectious diseases.

Natalia Malolyteva, associate professor in the Department, talked about the role the Department of Infectious Diseases has played in the educational policy of Sechenov University, the purpose of which is to endow qualitatively new graduates with a set of universal, professional, and research skills. The department supports the expansion of individual educational opportunities and nourishes the development of its students with the help of master classes on clinical studies, virtual histories of disease, and interdisciplinary student projects.

The report of Vladimir Chulanov, professor of the Department and Doctor of Medical Sciences, was devoted to the contributions of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Sechenov University to science. In the last 5 years, Department researchers have published 138 articles and presented the results of scientific work in 320 reports given at numerous scientific and practical conferences. Additionally, the Department published 8 textbooks and registered 33 patents for scientific inventions.
At present, the Department follows the educational policy goals that Sechenov University has set to achieve by 2030: new educational programs are created for students, both in Russian and English, and new teaching methods are introduced. Talented students are attracted to the vibrant scientific community on infectious diseases. The Department hosts interdisciplinary Olympiads and otherwise forms conditions favorable for the growth of competitive specialists with new professional skills (research, interdisciplinary, digital) capable of furthering scientific knowledge and developing new technologies.

Department of Infectious Diseases of the Sechenov University congratulated by

  • Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Medical Faculty of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Nikiforov ;
  • Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Southern Ural State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Olga Sagalova;
  • Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Tuberculosis and Dermatovenereology of the Medical Institute of the M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Snezhana Sleptsova;
  • Head of the Infectious Diseases Department, Pacific State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Anna Simakova
  • Professor of the Department of Epidemiology and Military Epidemiology of the Pacific State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Popov
  • Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Kazan State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kravchenko Irina,
  • Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases. Academician of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Jalalutdin Akhmedov of Dagestan State Medical Academy
The Plenary Session

Professor Mikhail Mikhailov, Head of the Viral Hepatitis Laboratory of the I.I. Mechnikov Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, delivered a lecture titled, “Science is made by people,” in which he highlighted the main stages of the study of viral hepatitis and discussed scientists, including domestic ones, who made the brightest discoveries in this field.

Professor Vladimir Chulanov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Infectious Diseases Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, continued the meeting with a report on the current state of the infectious disease service in Russia. In his report, Prof. Chulanov recalled the need to continue to be wary of COVID-19 and shared successes in the fight against viral hepatitis in the Russian Federation.

This talk was followed by a presentation from a foreign expert: Goran Stevanovic, Director of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinic of the University Clinical Centre of Serbia, who shared Serbia’s experience in fighting COVID-19 and focused his presentation on modern antiviral medications.

Professor Igor Stoma, Doctor of Medical Sciences and rector of the Gomel State Medical University, delivered a presentation dedicated to a promising topic: the use of the microbiome in the treatment of infectious diseases. He used the example of transplanting fecal microbiota in the treatment of infection caused by Clostridium difficile and the prospects for treating upper respiratory tract infections.

Roman Polibin, Chief Epidemiology Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, gave a presentation on infections related to medical care. Dr. Polibin identified the need to implement a risk-oriented approach and risk-management technology to treat infections related to medical care by implementing mandatory epidemiological safety in the system of quality and safety of medical activities.

Professor Igor Karpov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Belarusian State Medical University and Chief Infectious Diseases Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, presented on meningococcal infection, which is of particular interest to practitioners of all specialties because without timely etiotropic treatment, this infection is characterized by a high level of mortality, especially among children.

Professor Victor Maleev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Advisor to the Director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, delivered a lecture titled, “Role of infection in human pathology.” He spoke about the tendency to underestimate the contribution of infectious diseases to the pathogenesis of general somatic diseases and discussed current scientific research on this topic.

Next, Professor Nikolay Briko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Public Health of F.F. Erisman, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence Medicine of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, delivered a report titled, “Vaccine prevention as an effective tool of demographic policy,” which outlined strategic goals for vaccinating the population of the Russian Federation through 2035.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Roman Kozlov, Chief Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Resistance Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and rector of the Smolensk State Medical University, gave a presentation on antibiotic resistance. In his report, Prof. Kozlov noted the importance of improving and developing the laboratory base, organizing the activities of reference centers for certain types of medical, veterinary, and phytosanitary activities, as well as for a methodological verification center for antimicrobial resistance